working with sarah
written from experience
Sarah is a deeply knowledgeable yogi and teacher. Like her name, she weaves an intricate web of images, nuances, posture and support around you and your practice.
Being on retreat, I felt like the bright, salty sunshine and air of Monhegan scrubbed the corners of my soul. I saw all the cracks and creases and cleaned the gunk that needed to be moved. It was a deeply satisfying and nourishing experience. I feel like my personal bucket as a woman, mom, midwife, and human became filled to the brim with trust that we can have hard times and find meaningful ways to re-visit reintegrate into ourselves when the opportunity presents itself ~
Elsa, Philadelphia, PA
Sarah Webb exudes warmth, wisdom, strength and tenderness, all of which she shared with the retreat group as a whole and with me personally, as a co-leader, an accomplished yoga instructor, and as a supportive listener. Her contribution to the Radiant Retreat is a natural extension of the inspiring, healing (magical) community.
Laura, Philadelphia, PA
On the first days of my summer break and after a year of covid lockdown, remote work and hybrid teaching, I met up with Sarah on Monhegan Island to begin a weeklong private retreat of meditation, yoga, writing and walks in nature. I had done what I could to preserve my physical and mental health throughout the school year but I needed something more. On our first day together, I immediately noticed just how ungrounded I was. I couldn’t meditate for long or hold balance poses well. That soon changed and by the end of our week together I felt recharged, grounded, and genuinely energized. It was like a heavy weight had been lifted from my body. I went on to have a stellar summer and was well rested to begin a new school year. When I reconnected with my teaching colleagues, I quickly learned that many of them needed the entire summer to restore and some still weren’t there, yet. I immediately recognized that my weeklong retreat with Sarah not only accelerated the time to recover but also aided in my experiencing pure joy again.
Gillis, San Francisco, CA
Taking class with Sarah reminds me of all I value in teaching: her sequencing and pacing are the best, but it is Sarah’s use of language that sets her apart. She is gentle and encouraging, clear and constructive. She creates a peaceful introspective space that she pierces only very gently.
Betsy, Rochester, NY
I want to share what the experience of bringing (my daughter) to you once a week for the past several months has been like for me. The external changes I have seen are extraordinary and far more obvious because I can see them with my own eyes. The big one for me is her high center of balance is working it’s way down, and she is becoming more grounded. She is moving more efficiently and effortlessly. I have also been able to observe internal changes for her that are more subtle in nature. She’s having far fewer melt downs. She’s becoming more self aware, and she is able to communicate to me what is going on internally before she gets overwhelmed. She is becoming more comfortable in her own skin. She’s even communicating more with her Dad. This is really big!!!
From my perspective as her mother, I’ve realized that taking time for one’s self is not selfish, but an opportunity to self reflect and become more self aware. I’ve realized that spirituality is not about a relationship with a higher power, but a deeper unspoken connection with those around me. Thank you for providing a space and opportunity for all of this to happen!!!
Cindy, Byron, NY
I attended Sarah’s Workshop “The Courage to Speak: Living from your Authentic Voice at the 2018 NYS Yoga Festival, and it made me more sure than ever that I want to teach yoga, that I had something to offer.
Rebecca, Pittsburgh, PA
Sarah possesses a quiet, elegant strength and beautiful aura in addition to her vast knowledge of anatomy and spinal alignment. She listens intently and only seems to speak right to the essence of the matter at hand, avoiding a lot of small talk. She comes off as disarming and caring and seems to have had much experience working with different bodies and different personality types ~ really great qualities for an instructor, a mentor, a life coach ~ anyone!
Audrey, Philadelphia, PA